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Mindful Writing in Nature

I write in a solitude born out of community…Can you be inside and outside at the same time? I think this is where I live…Inside to write. Outside to glean.
— Terry Tempest Williams

Please join us for a special relaxing, restorative writing retreat in a natural and serene setting at our beautiful Benedict Canyon retreat house. Connecting with nature can help us connect with our intentions and authentic voices. I will be offering unique talks, meditations, writing exercises, and optional sharing/discussion. But this will be your day of refuge and resilience– to luxuriate in at your own pace.

You can write about anything you’d like, be it personal journaling, creative or professional writing.

Please bring your preferred writing pad or device, a bag lunch, water bottle, walking shoes if you’d like to go on a hike and layers of clothing for changes in temperature.

“I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.” ― John Muir